My Incredible Mother
My Incredible Mother
"The Arthritis Lady"—My Incredible Mother
My mother's hands were so swollen, painful, and heated that she avoided holding them from the time she was eleven years old until she was fifty-three years old.
As one would expect from a mother of four, she had to guide us by the hand. We could tell she was in continual agony, despite her best efforts to hide it from us.
I felt sorry for my parents because they missed the simple act of holding hands. She adored knitting and crocheting, but she struggled with the needles.
Being on her feet, leaning over, or standing for long periods of time all caused her excruciating pain. In our early years together, my brothers and I learned the value of pitching in wherever needed around the house.
There was minimal relief from her visits to the thirteen "Arthritis" doctors she sought out.
Because of her arthritis, she was given a wide variety of medications and underwent a wide range of treatments.
She sought solace in anything and everything she could since her suffering was unbearable.
Because she needed a solution to her agony so badly, she did:Consulted with thirteen doctors, all of them were "Arthritis Specialists"Codine, Darvon, Sprays, and "Gold Treatments" were among the medications she took.For seven days, she was confined to her bed, restrained by a heavy weight meant to stretch her muscles, and kept in traction.For three months, her upper body was immobilized in a cast.Shoe lifts were a common accessory for her.Not to mention a plethora of other things!
My mom spent an average of $40.00 a month on various medications in 1980, the last year she dealt with arthritis. This included $30.00 for monthly doctor visits and $30.00 for pain relievers. Monthly, that amounts to one hundred dollars. She could have done something fun with that money instead, in my opinion.
Every single one of the medications, medical professionals, therapies, finances, and ultimately, failures!
The doctors she saw all advised her to "take this medicine, go home and learn to live with it" because arthritis had no known treatment. That she would need a wheelchair within five years was the prediction of one doctor.
Our hearts sank... My mother, who has an unending supply of optimism, never gave up... To put an end to her arthritis, she embarked on a campaign. Moreover, she accomplished it!
Her groundbreaking program, "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too," is the result of years of research into the disease; it lays out in simple stages how you, too, can treat your arthritis at home without medication.
This might sound too wonderful to be true, and I get that. However, she succeeded... What you are experiencing today is nothing compared to what my mom went through. After 25 years of suffering with arthritis, she is finally pain-free.
In addition to her online persona as "The Arthritis Lady," my mom Margie Garrison has just found a new "like" activity. The majority of her time is devoted to responding to the numerous emails and phone calls received from individuals dealing with arthritis. She provides solutions to difficulties and answers queries.
Not only that, but I'm not the only one who thinks highly of her; other people have also commented on her...
"After following the advice in your book, my wife, who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, has been virtually pain-free for the past month. Many thanks for having your book published.
Goose Creek, South Carolina - Roy
Your book is a divine intervention; I am a grateful customer. In my heart, it's true. It enlightened me to the fact that there are specific foods that can help us stay healthy and disease-free.
Culloden, Georgia Evangeline
Lord, I thank you. As I pursue wellness, your book is at my side.
It is really fantastic. When it comes to medical prevention, you are at the forefront of the movement.
B. Mary - Santa Cruz, California
Your book was helpful to my friend, and he bragged about it to me. His doctor was reluctant to prescribe more Cortisone after he had taken so much. According to my friend, his life is filled with nothing but agony and he suffers from numerous terrible, sleepless nights. Now, after around five months, he is completely pain-free and gets a good night's rest. Feeling twenty years younger, he shed around forty pounds.
Lewis - Hulbert, Oklahoma
I have a friend that is 80 years old and up. It was as if she couldn't walk or do any kind of manual labor. Both are now within her capabilities.
A. Jenkins, Mrs. - Morango, California
Dear Sir or Madam,
When it comes to complementary and alternative medicine, Margie Garrison's "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too:" is a landmark publication.
I agree with Margie that one may "cure" or at least significantly reduce the symptoms of arthritis by maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and keeping a cheerful outlook.
With many useful graphics, her book is presented in a straightforward and easy-to-understand style.
After putting it to use in my practice, I can say that it is excellent. Every person must take responsibility for their own health care. You can achieve freedom from arthritis by implementing Margie's techniques.
Warm regards,
Yuille, Learie N., M.D.
Holistic Health Center of Metro Area
Mi 48075 Southfield
Give this program a go if you're looking for a way to alleviate the pain associated with arthritis. You can learn to live with arthritis without medicine; my mom is living proof of that.
Theodora Graham
Your Success Links, Susang
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